TFC > Maps > Individual/Unsorted Maps
File: SuperMonkeyBall
Author: Ace
Downloads: 7407
Description: Fun style map with 16 areas. Try to get to goal of each stage as the civilian without falling off the stages.
Size: 8.9MB
Date: 08/13/2004
Click to Download
Additional Info:
Made by
Description: Fun style map with 16
areas. Try to get to goal of each
stage as the civilian without
falling off the stages. There may
be hidden warps to help skip a few
stages but your have to find them
yourself. You don't return to start
if u fall in levels. You start in
the one you were in.
At the end, your appear in a room
with a working stargate from the
hit tv show Stargate SG1. Travels
to a fun areas, and areas 5, 9, and
13 in the level. Each with it's own
dialing symbol coordinates. Fun room
has 4 radios each playing a song.
5th to turn off/on overworld music
and a comp. to turn on a tp that
leads to start and stays on until
turned back off. it's 2-way. You
can help someone get to fun area this
way if their having trouble with map.
Also a maze with extras at end. Enjoy.
SuperMonkeyBall for Team Fortress Classic
**** This map designed for Half-life: TFC Multiplayer ****
August 02, 2004
Title : supermonkeyball
Filename : supermonkeyball (supermonkeyball.bsp, supermonkeyball.txt,
and wav sounds)
Author : [oR]Ace-Mi6
Past Clans/Names : Ace = ([DWD]Ace - EA|General_Lee - |HOP|Ace)
Email Address : [email protected] (Ace)
ICQ : Ace - 41048010 (don't go on anymore)
Homepage :
Description : TFC Fun Style map
Recommended # of Players: Any
Took about 1 month but would have been quicker. Work kinda drains my
free time nowadays.
supermonkeyball.bsp, supermonkeyball.txt and supermonkeyball.txt go in
tfc/maps/ folder
And all the wav sound files go into your tfc/sound/monkeyball folder.
Your have to create a folder with that name.
Fun style map with 16 areas. Try to get to goal of each stage as
the civilian without falling off the stages. There may be hidden
warps to help skip a few stages but your have to find them yourself.
You don't return to start
if u fall in levels. You start in
the one you were in.
At the end, your appear in a room with a working stargate from the
hit tv show Stargate SG1. Travels to a fun areas, and areas 5, 9, and
13 in the level. Each with it's own dialing symbol coordinates. Fun room
has 4 radios each playing a song. 5th to turn off/on overworld music and
a comp. to turn on a tp that leads to start and stays on until turned
back off. it's 2-way. You can help someone get to fun area this way if
their having trouble with map. Also a maze with extras at end. Enjoy.
In no certain order:
(All these below made when a member of [DWD])
-x_files2 (A great map i've made. My first ctf map. This is a
revision of the first with fixes.)
-x_files_up (not released to public. I made just for my clan to mess
around on. Might release if i get people wanting it)
-concmap3 (Concing map with many jumps)
-dwd_arena2 (Huge mulch map. over 10 rooms to warp to each with its
own setting and such.)
-deathbowl 1 and 2 (only difference from the 2 is a 3rd person in
2nd one)
(This map made when member of clan, EA|)
-Animosity_r (The original was rushed to meet contest deadline and had
few problems which i fixed in this version. Currently am
updating this map even better now that i have the RAM to
compile it myself and not sending back and forth with people.
Will release soon.)
-Animosity_r2 (Updated version with many changes. New lighting, additions, ect.
Edited and finished when member of Xt)
I left out a little hockey map i made for fun for clan messing around
when in dwd and left out x_files (1st version), also "oldwest" as it was
kinda laggy but is on my website, got a train that circles entire map.
Also dwd_arena (1st version) cause both were laggy/had problems.
[email protected] -
For his stargate. He created part of what u see in my
map. His stargate was always on, so it always had water animation/warp. I
had to edit it so it turned on and then after all 7 light up, gate opens and teleport
now works. and it all turns off after 10 secs and resets. and i did this for
4 locations. So it was very complicated. Many changes made to get it to what u see
in the map. But i wouldn't have even done it without what he had started with his.
His gate turned, but it just didn't look right and some lights didn't turn on, and
timing issues with wheel turning. so i turned that off. looks better anyways.
The warehouse that houses the stargate was also a prefab. Author is:
The club was a prefab as well. Yea, i'm lazy, so what. :)
I took a few things out that weren't needed to lower poly count and make the area good.
His bio is seen at
The bathroom for club was straight from the n64 game Goldeneye. prefab done by:
[OzoN] Stone Cold - with changes done by me.
Maze done by guy here (though edited by me):
Also the guys of [oR] For helping playtest map.
You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You also CANNOT decompile my map with programs for whatever reason, either
seeing how i did something, or to use something i made in your map without
my permission beforehand.
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.