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File: Cranked
Author: Danimal
Downloads: 86
Description: Scoring: 10 points per capture. Carry the flag through the water tunnel and capture it before it returns for an additional 5 points.
Size: 2.6MB
Date: 02/15/2022

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Additional Info:
Cranked - Capture the Flag
By Danimal

Scoring: 10 points per capture. Carry the flag through the water tunnel
and capture it before it returns for an additional 5 points.

Dropped flags return after 60 seconds.

Lasers stay deactivated for 45 seconds.

The bag across from relay gives ammo and 100 cells.
The bag next to relay gives ammo, armor and 50 cells.

--Special thanks to omeN and climax for map ideas, debugging and testing--

--Shout out to The Coach's Office for play tests and suggestions--

Created in 2022