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File: Throwflag CTF
Author: mezo
Downloads: 1805
Description: Enter the enemy's flagroom at the back of their base and climb to where the flag is situated. A button in the flagroom opens the door to a secondary entrance directly above the flag. Tossing the flag out the window can place it in the ramproom of the base, making it much easier to retrieve. Capture the flag at the emblems outside.
Size: 816KB
Date: 07/06/2004

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Additional Info:
Throwflag CTF
The first offering from the author Chris Pacheco (mezo)

Filename: | throwflag.bsp
Format: | Standard CTF
Version: | 1.1
Date: | 07/04/2004
Contact Info: | [email protected] (hopefully temporary)

// Description:
Enter the enemy's flagroom at the back of their base and climb
to where the flag is situated. A button in the flagroom opens
the door to a secondary entrance directly above the flag.
Tossing the flag out the window can place it in the ramproom of
the base, making it much easier to retrieve. Capture the flag at
the emblems outside.

// Installation:
WON/Steam: Unzip into your "tfc\maps" directory.

throwflag.bsp tfc\maps
throwflag.txt tfc\maps

// Thanks:
-KoB-Platypus, for watching the map grow from a single incomplete room.
mH`Neuri, for organizing the playtests and telling me how ugly the yard is.
Defrag, for running around in the map and giving me some ideas.
All the people at TrepiKal and the people who attended their playtest
And the following, in no particular order, for playtesting and much-needed feedback:

// Changes since Version 1.0
- Relocated the respawn, added a quick exit route for offense
- Messed with the shaping of the window to allow easier throwing
- Enlarged the area of the airlift
- Some other aesthetic crap

// Build Information:
System: | P4 2.8Ghz, 512MB DDRAM
Editor Used: | Valve Hammer Editor 3.4
CSG: | 22.48 seconds elapsed
BSP: | 35.72 seconds elapsed
VIS: | 34.95 seconds elapsed
RAD: | 305.91 seconds elapsed [5m 5s]

// Copyright Information:
You may not distribute this zip if the contents are modified.
You may not use this zip or any of the contained files for financial gain.
Don't rip off or "remake" the map, etc.
