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File: Tanis
Author: Zouave
Downloads: 1001
Description: Tanis
Size: 3.4MB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:


By Bryan "Zouave" Dillow

Tanis is ancient city of Egypt in the eastern delta of the Nile. One time Hyksos capital, refered to as Zoan in the Bible. The city was abandoned sometime after the 6th century A.D. when threatened by the flooding of Lake Manzala. Excavations, first begun in 1860, revealed inscriptions, several temples and statues,a royal necropolis, and a Quad Damage.

** General information**
Title : Tanis
Filename : tanis.bsp
Author : Bryan "Zouave" Dillow
Email : [email protected]
Web Site :
Description : Command Point map in the style of Canalzone 2
Other maps : Hadley, Gulch, Renegade, Creek, Enclave, Cornfield, Osaka, Whiteout, Spikes

Number of Teams : 2
Recommended # of Players: 10 - 16

** Map information **
New Textures : Yes
New Sounds : No
Tools used : Worldcraft 3.3
: Zoner's compile tools
Build time : 5 months (off and on)
Compile Machine : P3 - 1Ghz, 128 Megs RAM,
Compile time : Around 5 hours

** Installation **

Extract all the files from your zip into the Half-Life folder. The zip file will do the rest.

** Game Rules **

Objective: Carry the flags from your base to the various Command Points throughout the map. Det the enemy transprtation to clear their flags. Once the enemy airplane or truck is destroyed, it may not be detted again until all the command points have been captured. The underground bridge may also be detpacked and will reset when the command points reset.

Scoring: 1 Point for every 30 seconds you hold a Command Point, 25 points for an all-cap.

Other Notes: Flag carriers move at half speed.

** Additional information **

There is a Quad Damage in the map. Where it is I leave to you to find. Assuming you find the way to it, you still have to get past a couple deathtraps to claim the prize.

** Special thanks to **

All the great people that make up ZPG (
All the Slaughter House ( Regulars that enthusiastically help in playtesting maps.


Please do not distribute this level unless you include this file without modification.

Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels.

This BSP may be distributed only over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are not authorized to put this map or any of it's associated files on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.