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File: SpyHard
Author: Magnus Lind
Downloads: 631
Description: SpyHard
Size: 200KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
SpyHard - CTF

For Half Life Team Fortress Classic!
Note: text below probably contains spelling errors. Please ignore them.


Title: SpyHard - CTF
Filename: spyhard.bsp
Author: Magnus Lind
E-mail: [email protected]
Number of teams: 2
Recomended # players: Don't know. I only got access to 2 'puters so I can't say.

I like getting e-mails so please mail me and say what you think about SpyHard. Love
it / hate it - let me know.



Unzip then copy spyhard.bsp, spyhard.txt and spyhard_info.txt to the map
directory at "x:\???\half-life\tfc\"
Default is "c:\sierra\half-life\tfc\maps".



Imagine two 2fort maps laying next to each other separeted by a big wall and you
pretty much got SpyHard. Please note that this is the first map ever to be released by
me and I ain't to good at texturing. Also worth noting is the fact the spy's
spawn inside there enemies base in order to make defence harder....



I'm sitting down here but hey you can't see me
kinda invicible... You don't sense my stay
not really hiding, not like a shadow

From the song "I'm sitting down here" included on the album "Playing my game" by
Lene Marlin.


TECHNINCAL MUMBO JUMBO (totaly irrelevant)

Editor: Worldcraft 2.1
Base: New from scratch

New sounds: No
New graphics: No
New music: No

Build Time: 3 weeks of working now and then. (hey, I gotto go to school to!)

Compile times (P2 450 with 128 Mb sdram)

QCSG: 4 s
QBSP2: 4 s
VIS: 6 s
QRAD: 118 s



Nothing major that I know of.
If you find anything - mail me at

[email protected]



Valve Software for making Half-Life.
Andreas Baus for helping me out when I got stuck.



This level is (c) Magnus Lind 1999.

You MAY NOT sell this level for money!

You MAY NOT use this level as a base to build addition levels without
my permission. However I will probably grant you permission if you ask
nicly :-)

Distribution over the Internet and/or BBS systems is allowd as long as
spyhard.bsp, spyhard.txt and spyhard_info.txt are included. All other forms of
distribution (such as cover cd's) requier my permission!


// Magnus Lind
// 990513 - 18:21