TFC > Maps > Individual/Unsorted Maps
File: Small DM
Author: frosty
Downloads: 626
Description: Small DM
Size: 570KB
Date: 10/04/2002
Click to Download
Additional Info:
Small DM (death match) v3.2
[INSTRUCTIONS:] One player from each team moves out onto the field and signifies they are
ready to begin by standing in their "ready zone" and waits untill the opponent is also ready.
(There should be a voice that says start, if not the usual jump to start is in effect) The
fight continues untill one person is dead. The winner then may challange the next opponent
by calling it before he leaves the field to resuply.
[RESUPLY:] There is a resuply pad in each base, it should (SHOULD) provide all of your
medical/ordinance needs. Armor is near by.
[RULES:] Remember, only two people fighting at once. NO going into the enemy`s base.
[OTHER:] The use of 2nd naids is up to the server. BE HONORABLE.
small_dm ©2001 Ryan Amwake aka [Red Army 105th] frosty.
DM facts:
-You can press x to auto say what your health and armor
is by going into the consol and typing:
bind x "say stats: %h | %a"
then hit enter and go back to the game, hit x to tell
everyone your health & armor stats.
Map Stats:
-this map took aprox. 12hrs to make.
-it origionaly had a laser and AA gun ontop of the bases
-There is a secret exit in the Red base (a part of roof
breaks when it takes 400 damage) because for a while
the doors didnt work during testing.
-the floor is textured with gravel stuff on one side and
glass on the other (you will never see it though!)
-the cool dark effect was a result of the evn_light not
working right.
-the map was made for tryouts for the Red Army clan (long
live the USSR!)
-it wouldnt have been possable without help from the
Handy Vandal guide to map making: