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TFC > Maps > Individual/Unsorted Maps
Author: {77} Metallica
Downloads: 605
Description: MECHA-CHAOS
Size: 437KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
*******MECHA-CHAOS (1.0)**********

Author - {77} Metallica
Time to make - 13 hours of work.
Type - TFC -- Capture the 1 object
# of players - at most 5 on 5
Legal crap - This is a free release, this map maynot be included
in any comercial packs without the authors writen permision.
Thanks for the help - I'd like to thank JediCow and Lord Dakushna for their
awsome prefabs, you can check out their work at
also thanks to Revolver for making a great PC prefab.
If you would like to remake this map or put any parts of it in your
own work, please E-mail me at [email protected] and we
can talk about it.


Story -
The year is 2021, the central government is destroyed, and
the country is in ruins. Small terrorist groups now rule whats
left of the population. The biggest of these two groups have been
at war with each other for over two years.
Not too long ago a rumor spread through the spie networks, the
rumor described a hidden army base somewhere in the desert.
This pre-WW3 base is supposed to contain some kind of super-weapon.
Both of the groups jumped on the opportunity to gain the power
of this super-weapon in order to eliminate the other and take final
and total control over the populous.
So two attack squadrons have been sent in. As part of
that attack force it is your job to get inside the forgotten
army base, retrive the super-weapon and bring it back to a truck
that's waiting to take it back to your HQ.


Other crap - there are a few problems with the map so far, if you spot
anything that you don't think should be there please E-mail me
at [email protected]


Playing the map - At first the map starts out as a DM type map
when everyone spawns in their base and tries to make their way to
the Floater(flag)... then the team with the flag has to make their
way back through the map to the Truck(cap-point). Once Capped the Floater
will be returned and the scoring player will get 10 frags...
along with a bunch of ammo and a few seconds of invincibility...


This is my first really big HL map so far, and I will most likely
make better versions of this based on the critisism and hate mail
that I get from the rest of the community... please send me
some feedback, be very specific and if you can also think of a way
to add or improve something tell me... thats the only way I can make
this map any good...

[email protected]