TFC > Maps > Individual/Unsorted Maps
File: The Kitchen of Doom!
Author: TheDreadedPyro
Downloads: 715
Description: The Kitchen of Doom!
Size: 920KB
Date: 10/04/2002
Click to Download
Additional Info:
The Kitchen of Doom!
by TheDreadedPyro
1. Take the Quad Flag to the top of the
cupboard and capture it. Gives you
temporary Quad Damage powerup! 2 points
per capture.
2. Take the OJ Key to the Orange Juice
container. Gives ammo, armor, and
health to your whole team! 2 points
per capture.
The OJ Key is in the little room behind
the bulletin board. The Quad Flag is
on the windowsill.
November 10, 1999
Map Name : kitchen3.bsp
Game Type: Team Fortress Classic for Half-Life
Players : 2 or more... 6-12 is probably best
New Textures: yes
New Sounds : no
New Models : no
INSTRUCTIONS: Extract kitchen.bsp into your \tfc\maps directory
of wherever you have Half-Life. If you don't have a \maps sub-
directory under \tfc, make one.
OTHER NOTES: This map was inspired in part by "Rats!", a Half-Life
DM map by Chris Spain. I wanted to make a kitchen-themed level
that had TFC ammo packs, team scoring, & powerups.
COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS: You may distribute this map,
provided you include this text file with it and you don't charge
money for it.
Several of the TEXTURES are by Christopher Buecheler (from the CWB
texture packs). I made the Corn Flakes box and Orange Juice box
textures, as well as the team door textures (using the "Seeds"
font by Matt Perkins).
EMAIL me at [email protected] if you have any comments / questions.