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File: the dump
Author: nettle plant
Downloads: 639
Description: the dump
Size: 232KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
title : the dump - final (?) edition
filename : thedump.bsp
author : nettle plant
email address : [email protected]
description : TeamFortress v2.5 Quake Map

ok, if you're a demoman who wants to destroy people and stuff
go to the top floor and drop down into the cannon room, throw mirv grenades
into the pit thing and their daughter grenades will nuke any incomings.

update: longer bridge so that dorks can't just sprint across it
they must face the cannon!
doors on food rooms so no idiots can take your stuff.
wind tunnels on cannon openings so grenades don't kill cannon
funny message to people who try 'ride the cannon'.

* play information *

this map sucks without TeamFortress v2.5,

single player : Go ahead, dork.
cooperative : Isn't TF cooperative enough?
deathmatch (2-16) : No no no.
TF 2.5 skillz 32 way : YES
difficulty settings : No
new sounds : No
new graphics : No
new music : No
demos replaced : None

* construction *

base : New level from scratch
editor(s) used : EntEd, Dos EDIT, Worldcraft
known Bugs : None
build Time : 6 hours

* other info *

id rules. they have all these like, devices.

pimpsmacka for beta testing and telling me what was fledgling
my subhumans for giving me all these precious metals from the mine
the peons quake clan

no thanks:
my brother for getting all mad when i deleted his .mp3's
mr. leak

how to use this map:
copy the thedump.bsp file into your quake\id1\maps or quake\fortress\maps
directory. then run quake.
in the console, type "map thedump" (without the quotes)