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TF > Maps > Individual Maps
File: storm
Author: John Cook
Downloads: 896
Description: storm
Size: 125KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
**** This map designed the TeamFortress v1.3 quakeC mod ****
Title : storm
Filename : storm1
Author : John Cook
Email Address : [email protected]
Description : TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map

Additional Credits to : Robin Walker

Check out the TeamFortress homepage at:


* Play Information *

This map does not work properly without the
TeamFortress v1.3 QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from
or from

Single Player : No
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch (2-16) : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Quest, Edit, EntEd
Known Bugs : None
Build Time : Several hours

* Other Info *

This is an attack/defend map designed to be played by 2 teams.

Team 1 has to defend the castle from attack for 10 minutes. There is a large
button near the gateway which opens the main gates.

Team 2 has to storm the castle, and break through the inner door. There are
buttons on either side of the castle which open the main gates. Once inside,
there are 6 more buttons which have to be pressed to open the inner gates.
Team 2 wins once they get a player beyond the inner gates.

There is a small resupply room inside the castle.

How to use this map:
Copy the storm1.bsp file into your quake\id1\maps or quake\fortress\maps
directory. Then run quake.
In the console, type "map storm1" (without the quotes)