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File: The Quarrel
Author: Mark Burger
Downloads: 2169
Description: A "2fort" style map- 2 symmetrical sides battle it out to capture the enemy's flag.
Size: 192KB
Date: 01/26/2005

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Additional Info:
*** this map designed for the TeamFortress quakeC patch ***

21st of January 2005
Title : The Quarrel
Filename : quarrel.bsp
Author : Mark Burger
Email Address : [email protected]
Description : A "2fort" style map- 2 symmetrical
sides battle it out to capture the
enemy's flag.
Where to get it :
* Play Information *

Single Player : No
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : No
TeamFortress : Yes- best 8-20 players
MegaTF : Hell yeah
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Base : None.
Editor(s) used : Quark 6.4 alpha
Known Bugs : Doors are buggy.

Build Time : Not long.

This map is fairly large and open. Good for mass mayhem
and a bit of dm-style combat. The capture the flag is fairly
simple. The flag is one one side of the flagroom, the point
of capture is directly across from it (the square on the
floor). It's a good map for all classes.

-Mark Burger

Copyright and Legal Notices

Go ahead and distribute this file. Make sure that this text
(quarrel.txt) remains in tact and with the .bsp.