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File: 2 Small Forts
Author: BamBam[HBC]
Downloads: 1965
Description: 2 Small Forts
Size: 414KB
Date: 12/05/2002

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Additional Info:
2 Small Forts

For The Team Fortress Quake Mod
Created by Gerry Duggan, aka BamBam[HBC]

filename :
version : 1.0; 4-18-98
author : Gerry Duggan, aka BamBam[HBC]
contact : e-mail: [email protected]
clan age :
description : Quake Team Fortress level
beta testers : Hanna Barbera Clan Members
Other levels by author : Roostdm1 (Quake 2)


single player : not really, but I did put in an exit anyway.
cooperative : no
deathmatch : Yes, Team Fortress Mod
difficulty settings : no
demos replaced : None
new graphics : Yes, borrowed from Iikka "Fingers" Keranen's Secret Installation
new sounds : yes, just a few
new monsters/weapons : No
new Code : No
music : track one

* construction *

base : new level from scratch
editor(s) used : Qoole 2.40
build time : 5 minutes
number of brushes : 300-ish
number of entities: : 174
compile time : On a PP200 w/ 64 Megs RAM
QBSP: 61 seconds
Light: 474 seconds (extra)
VIS: 349 seconds (level 4)

known Bugs : none

* installation *

Unzip the file 2fortsm.bsp into your Quake/fortress/maps directory,
and unzip the .wav files into your Quake/fortress/sounds directory.


* Credits *

- id Software for another game that's as fun to edit as it is to play.
- Quake Workshop
- Quakelab
- Iikka Keranen
- Qoole - Quake Object Oriented Level Editors!!!


* Other information *

This is my first TF map. I kept it simple to get familiar with the entities.

Also - use Qoole! It's so's full-featured editor...can't imagine using anything else.

* secrets *

None to speak of.

* legal stuff *

Do whatever the hell you want with this level...

* Where to get this level *