TF > Maps > Individual Maps
File: Two Forts: SinTheTiK 1.5
Author: Gene Jones
Downloads: 2026
Description: Two Forts: SinTheTiK 1.5
Size: 398KB
Date: 12/05/2002
Click to Download
Additional Info:
**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.5+ quakeC mod ****
Release Date: September 6, 1997
Title : Two Forts: SinTheTiK 1.5
Filename : 2fort_SK.bsp
Authors : Gene Jones (SK-Imaginos)
: Gene Jones (SK-realistik)
Original Map Design : John Cook
Email Addresses : [email protected] (realistik)
[email protected] (Imaginos)
[email protected] (Jojie)
URLs :
(realistik's foxhole)
(Clan SinTheTiK's Web of Despair)
(TeamFortress Software's Website)
Description : TeamFortress v2.5+ Capture the Flag style map
Additional Credits to : -id for making Quake
-TFS for TF of course...
-Ben Morris for WorldCraft
-Imaginos for many innumerable hours of
stress relief and instruction.
(I'm learning, Pop...)
-The TF Community for keeping this game alive
-John Cook of TFS for all his hard work on
the early versions of Two Forts
Dedications : -This map is dedicated to the memory of
Brad Gentry, a founding member of Clan
SinTheTiK, and a good friend. We miss
SK-s0uNd_mAn dearly.
-This map is also dedicated to everyone
who has a love-hate relationship with
2fort4.bsp. (BY John Cook) :)
* Play Information *
This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress v2.5 or
higher QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from or from
TeamFortress : Yes, up to 32 players supported for QW
Single Player : Nothing to kill, no guns
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch (2-16) : No
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Models : No
New Textures : A few
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
AutoTeam : No
Hook : No
* Construction *
Base : Imaginos started off by rebuilding
(BY John Cook) when my 2fortSK was taking too
long to VIS (I let it run for 2 days at level 4
before I stopped it, then another 1.5 days with
just regular VIS...I needed my computer)
Most of the stuff from (BY John Cook)
was scrapped and replaced. Then it was handed to
me and I finished it off and did some texturing
and lighting. I also designed the resupplies,
which I'll be releasing for Worldcraft pretty
soon. I did all the TF ent stuff.
Editor(s) used : WorldCraft
UltraEdit-32 4.40
Light (Arghlite crashed on me at the last moment)
rVIS 1.0
Known Bugs : None. There was 1 bug reported, and a few small
things that people wanted changed which I agreed
with. The bug was fixed, changes were made, and
this map is now 100% ready for QuakeWorld. Serve
it up, y'all! :)
There were bugs reported about respawn points
and players being stuck. I quickly found, after
running the map on a QW server, that the problem
was because the teamspawn points in the upper red
resupply were too close to the ceiling.
I also received a few messages about people not
liking the elevator from the ramp room to the
basement. I didn't build that elevator, so I just
scrapped it and redid it. People should be happier
with it now.
A few areas were deemed too dark. The main was the
quicktrip elevator in the blue lobby. You couldn't
see it because it was so dark. I put lights in it
to match the lights in the red one. Also, I put
lights in the "duck-ins" in the flag rooms.
Build Time : About 2.5 weeks
QBSP : <5 minutes
light -extra : 1084 secs
rVIS -level 4 : 152 secs
* Other Info *
Well, I've been working on this one for a while. I love 2fort4.bsp (BY John
Cook), but it DOES have some problems. Mostly I just didn't like the way it
LOOKED. The textures didn't bring it to life enough for me, so I decided to
build my own version.
There was no way I was gonna get my hands on to play with, because
I didn't know Network had it on his page so I could plagarize a LATER version
of John Cook's work instead. The whole point to begin with was I wanted to
build the stuff that was in 2fort4.bsp (by John Cook) myself instead of just
fixing up 2fort4, which I've already done via a new .ent file (Original ents
by John Cook, I'm pretty sure) So I dug around on my old floppies and found a
copy of, which I believe was released to the public domain by TFS,
there's no text file with it, which contained,,, and I set to work retexturing
immediately, and in a couple of days, with a little reconstruction in some
places, I had a GOOD looking 2fort23. That wasn't enough...there were no
elevators from the basement, no direct ramp in the ramp room...lots of little
things missing. I rebuilt EVERYTHING that was missing, including adding in
the upper respawn from 2fort_32.bsp. (By Network and TyR, based on Two Forts
by John Cook)
I was finally done. All the entities were working right, the lights looked
good, and the textures were beautiful. Now all I had to do was run:
LIGHT -extra 2fortSK.bsp
VIS -level 4 2fortSK.bsp
Sure...right. No problem, right? Wrong. Light took 2 hours. No problem, I'd
expected at LEAST that. VIS on the other hand...I let it run for 7 hours
before I had to shut down and take my system home. Then I started it again.
It ran another 8 hours before a power outage. Then another 40 minutes before
ANOTHER power outage. Then I got drunk. Early the next morning, I started it
AGAIN. This time, I let it run over 2 days before I finally needed my system
more than I needed this level VIS'd. After I'd updated my website, checked
all my email, and played a quick couple levels of TF, I started regular VIS
with no -level ANYTHING. I let that run over 36 hours before I finally just
gave up. We had a LAN game and I wasn't cancelling for that. Depression set
A couple days later, while talking to my dad (SK-Imaginos), he mentioned
that he'd spent the weekend rebuilding (by John Cook) with big
brushes, so it would compile. I begged him EMAIL IT!! So he did, he had to
go back to work the next day, so he told me to have my way with it. I loaded
it up and played it. It looked great, so I started looking for problems...I
found some.
I fixed the problems, added what was missing, designed a new resupply room
system to cut down on the entity count, and polished it off. Then I compiled
it. Then we played it. :) Now you can play it too!
How to use this map:
Unpack 2fortSK.bsp to your quake\fortress\maps directory. If you want to run
it on a LAN server or just take a peek at it, load quake with -game fortress
and type MAP 2fortSK in the console to load it.
If you want to play on a QW server running this map, copy the 2fortSK.bsp
file into your quake\fortress\maps directory.
Donate to TeamFortress Software:
Don't charge anybody for this map in any way.
Understand that according to who you ask, you might be told that we didn't
do ANY real work on this map, it was all already done and we just put our
names on it and zipped it up. Everyone's still entitled to their own opinion
as far as I'm concerned. God Bless America...
Feel free to link this file for download on your website or FTP site, run it
on any public (or private) Quake or QuakeWorld server. If you run this map on
a public (especially QW) server, please email me and let me know, I'd like to
come play it. :)
You may NOT put this level on any commercial CD or diskette set without my
EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. If I find out you've done it, I'll come hunt you
down and do very evil things to parts of your body you may have up until then
thought safe from harm.