TF > Maps > Individual Maps
File: Return to Twin Trees
Author: Mathieu Perrenoud
Downloads: 640
Description: Return to Twin Trees
Size: 1.4MB
Date: 10/04/2002
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Additional Info:
This map is the final (I hope) version of 2tree4
Title : Return to Twin Trees
Filename : 2tree45.txt
Author : Mathieu Perrenoud
Date : 8 april 1998
Email Address : [email protected]
if you try my map, give me your opinion, good or bad. I want
to know if it's just perfect, if I could improve something
or if I just have to stop making levels. Thanks in advance.
This archive contains three files:
-2tree45.txt Hmm... You're just reading it
-2tree45.bsp That's the map. It goes to id1/maps or fortress/maps
-lock4.wav Put it in id1/sounds/items or fortress/sounds/items
-ball2.mdl goes to id1/progs
I don't think you need anything else. Just mail me if you miss a file.
Summary of changes:
-visibility optimized (as much as possible)
-scoring problems fixed
-Minor Detailed fixed (doors where you could get stucked)
-Number of textures reduced 200->120
-I changed my PC (P200->P233). I gained 1 second in QBSP...?
-Flag Grates are now detpackable.
******** Play Information **********
It's a 2team-flag capture map. Both flags and dropoffsoints are easy to found.
Capture points are near the middle of the action so it's possible to put some
defense directly in enemies capture point. When you capture, the block under
the capture point opens and inside there is a magic ball, just in case you would
like to do some frag.
You can swim to the flag but first you have to blow off the door that's in the first
room after the water corridor (detpack the computer next to the door).
There is a laser barrier just after. It won't hurt you but it alerts the
enemies that you are coming. There is no way to shut it down. You can't dive back
from the flag in the water, at least not until you detpack the grate.
You can dive in the well. But if you didn't blew off the door, you'll have to go to the flag
room again. You earn points to detpack the grate and the door.. so open the way
for your scouts teammates.
There is armor and life regenerators in the first room. They will work for each team,
but they are very noisy, so don't plan to do half the way, have a rest in enemies base
and then go for the flag, but you can stop a few seconds to recover some life.
Quad damages door opens only for enemies. It's more fair to have some help on your way
to the flag than to see enemies waiting for you with quadded rockets...
******* Construction *******
TeamFortress : Yes!
Single Player : Bof, not really. Only if you really like to.
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : No
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : A few Textures
New Monsters : No
New Demos : No
New Models : No
QuakeC Patches : No
Base : I just kept the idea of 2tree1
Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife, Version 4.07
Build Time : Two weeks
QBSP Time : 19M26
LIGHT Time : 1H
VIS Time : 7H //On a Pentium 233, 128 Mb Ram
Design: I love big outside places, so that's what you'll found on this map.
I tried to be cool for every classes: there is many sniper nests, ramps
and dark places to build sentry guns, a few spots to be blown by demomen.
Each class has it place on this level. Due to its size, it's recommended
to be more than two to play.
Known bugs: Capturer doesn't always get his 3 bonus points, sometimes, they wait there
until someone else come... I don't understand and I couldn't help that,
If you have an idea, let me know.
********Copyright and Legal*********
I am NOT and WILL NOT be held responsible for any damage or problems
if this map causes proplems with your computer
(it won't as far as I know), in any shape form or fashion.
You MAY distribute this map over the internet as long as this text file remains intact and
in this zip file. Its free. I intended it to be, so keep it that way.