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File: QView v149
Author: Mustata Bogdan
Downloads: 2680
Description: Qview is a small, easy and free viewer for anybody who wants to view models from games based on quake engine.
Size: 109KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:
QView v149 -- Quake Model Viewer --
Viewer for quake1, quake2, quake3 models.

Copyright © 2000, by Mustata Bogdan (LoneRunner)
Special thanks to id Software && Steff.

May be distributed freely.

Qview si a small, easy and free viewer for anybody who
like to view models from games based on quake engine.

* view quake1, quake2, quake3 models
* bland, cullface, wireframe, tools options
* change background, wireframe color
* selectable animation, adjustable animation speed
* inport format for textures: bmp, pcx, jpg, tga
* q3: change submodel for each available tag
* q3: change texture for each available mesh


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