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File: More Trees
Author: Mathieu Perrenoud
Downloads: 628
Description: More Trees
Size: 914KB
Date: 10/04/2002

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Additional Info:

Title : More Trees
Filename : 2mtree1.txt
Author : Mathieu Perrenoud
Email Address : [email protected]
Map web site :


This archive contains two files:
-2mtree1.txt Description & Building Informations
-2mtree1.bsp That's the map.

Extract 2mtree1.bsp in your map directory (id1/maps or fortress/maps), run quake and type
'map 2mtree1' in the console...

* Play Information *

Consult the web page:

You must go into the enemies' base, grab their flag (it's on the pyramid) and bring it either to the capture point
in their base or in yours. Caputure in their base will give your team 10 frags, 10 health and 10 armor.
Capture in your base will only give you 6 frags and neither health nor armor bonus.

Let's say that Blue Base is to the North and Red Base to the South...
The Red Flag is to the SE. Take the E door from the Red Room with the well.
The Red base capture point is to the SW. Take the passageway to the W, from the same Room.
The bases are basically symmetric, so the Blue flag is to the NW and the Capture Point to the NE.

*Tips and (more or less) interesting facts*
-It's a big map. With less than 4 players per team, you'll spend more time seeking enemies than
actually fighting them...
-In earlier versions of the map, you could capture only in the enemy base. That was cool, but I changed in order to
avoid that what-are-you-doing-with-the-flag-in-our-base thing that happened in Rock! (Capture in enemy base
gives more frags)
-There are eight respawn points per team, five in the upper respawn and three in the lower one.
-There is a small ledge in the cliffs around the capture point (Who said 'to put sentries??'), you can
reach it easily from behind the capture point.
-In each base there are three backpacks for both teams, one behind the cable platform, one in the room
under the well and one on the roof of the well room.
-The door in the first room coming from the river can be detpacked. (Ask the door if you can't find it)
-There is basically three ways in each base: the main entrance, the underground ways and the cable
-Each base has a laser alarm system. It will slightly hurt enemies passing trough it and alert your
team. There is a laser behind the mirador and one in the room under the well.
-Base colors are clearly marked, so you shouldn't get lost. There are many respawn points and they're
on top of small ramps, so you shouldn't get telefragged.
-The flags can be dropped (bind a key to 'dropitems')
-The handrail in the well room can be RJ'ed by Pyros!
-Almost everything is RJ'able. Please enjoy and leap around!!!
-The trees are solid! You can stand on them and build sentries!
-The speed of the cable platform is 400
-There are 1674 brushes and 270 entities in the level!
-The first version took 15 hours to perform vis!!! Now it only takes 40 minutes
-The archive is 900k, the first one was 1.5M

TeamFortress : Yes!
New Graphics : A few Textures (resupply computers..)
No single player, no deathmatch, no new sounds, nothing else!!!

* Construction *

Base : 2tree
Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife, Version 4.07
Known Bugs : None.
Build Time : long hours of work...

If you love or hate my map, SEND AN E-MAIL... I would like to know your opinion...TIA