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File: QuakeME v2.3
Author: Rene Post
Downloads: 3455
Description: This program can view animations and edit textures MDL files.
Size: 214KB
Date: 10/04/2002
Click to Download
Additional Info:
Animation Viewer and Texture editor for MDL files
Version 2.2, compatible with QTest, Quake SW 0.91/0.92
Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0
Author : Rene Post ([email protected])
Date : 10 jul 1996
(a) The software is supplied free of charge.
(b) The software is experimental and not guaranteed
to work in your particular setup.
1. Description
2. Files
3. Installation Instructions
4. Working with QuakeME
5. Credits
6. Technical Issues
7. Known Bugs and Limitiations
8. History
1. Description
QuakeME is an animation viewer and texture editor for MDL
files. MDL files contain models of monsters and weapons that
are used in Quake.
With QuakeME you can:
- View 3D texture mapped animations contained in MDL files.
- Import and export textures to a 256 colors windows BMP file.
- Fit textures around the 3D model by adjusting 2D texture vertices.
- Show the data contained in he MDL file.
You can find MDL files in the PAK0.PAK and ID1.PAK files that are
part of the the shareware version of Quake and the Quake test.
Both files are distributed by id software.
2. Files
QUAKEME.EXE The program, (quake palette is built-in)
QUAKEME22.TXT Your reading it
H_GUARD.MDL Changes the soldier into Duke
SOLDIER.MDL Head of gibbed Duke
3. Installation Instructions
Nothing particular, just copy the EXE to your utils directory.
You might want to setup a filetype association between QuakeME
and MDL type files, since QuakeME accepts files passed via the
command line.
4. Working with QuakeME
You can start immediately by viewing the soldier.mdl I included as a demo.
For the other MDL files, you have to unpak PAK0.PAK first.
There are several utilities that can rip apart a PAK file, get one of them.
To start working with QuakeME, select the menu item "File|Open Model..."
and select the MDL file you want to view. I have include a replacement
for the soldier that makes him look like Duke. Now the use Blowup spincontrol
to zoomin on the frame.
Copy SOLDIER.MDL and H_GUARD.MDL to your quake progs directory
e.g. C:\QUAKE_SW\ID1\PROGS and E1M1 lets you take care of Duke
once and for all.
Now a combobox in the toolbar is filled with all available model files in
the same directory as the modelfile you selected. Selecting one of them
will open it and show its contents.
The 3D view shows either a texture mapped, solid or wireframe of the active
animation frame.
To rotate the frame use the right mouse button and rotate the frame by
dragging it.
To move the frame across the screen, use the the left mouse button and
drag it.
5. Credits
Thanks to Chris for beta testing, check out his Quake page at
Thanks to [email protected] for his great work on the Duke
6. Technical Issues
I got a number of questions about the way I programmed QuakeME.
QuakeME 1.0 was developed using Delphi 1.0 and ModelMaker 1.5 (CASE
tool developed by me and a friend of mine, FREEWARE look at the Delphi
SuperPage under "Component Building Tools").
QuakeME 2.1 is now a 32 bits application and is developed using
Delphi 2.0 and ModelMaker 1.5.
All code is written in Pascal (NO assembler). I used the WinG library
to create the initial texture mapping under the 16 bits Delphi 1.0 version.
I then decided to make the switch to Delphi 2.0 and reimplemented the WinG
library as direct calls to the Windows 95 API.
QuakeME 2.2 now uses some Win95 controls (also available in NT) to improve the
Other Quake related Delphi resources are available from Mads B. Dydensborg.
I think I will start releasing the rendering stuff in sourcecode components
7. Known Bugs and Limitations
Sometimes at startup the pallete gets screwed up until
the mainwindow receives the focus. Suggestion, live with
I ran the program on 3 Windows 95 systems and
one Windows NT 3.5 system.
a 33 mhz 486 DX with 8 mb and a 256 color adapter
a 75 mhz Pentium with 16 mb and a 65k color adapter
a 90 mhz Pentium with 16mb and a 256 color adapter
NT 3.51
a 90 mhz Pentium with 32mb and a 256 color adapter
NT 4.0 beta 1
a 90 mhz Pentium with 32mb and a 256 color adapter
NT 4.0 beta 2
a 120 mhz Pentium with 32mb in 16 color VGA (ugly).
Speed was acceptable on the 486, but the texture
mapping looks really stunning on the 90 mhz Pentium.
Loading of new mdl files is really slooooow on
Windows NT 3.51 and NT 4.0 beta 1, NT 4.0 beta 2 was
8. History
13 mar 1996 Version 1.0
Initial release.
31 mar 1996 Version 2.0
Fixed bug in back triangle display code.
Made QuakeME 32 bits, compiled it under Delphi 2.0 environment.
Added texture mapping to the 3D view.
2 apr 1996 Version 2.1
Fixed bug in flushing textures to the screen in Windows NT 3.5.
Fixed access violation error that would occasionally occur in
texture mapped view.
10 jul 1996 Version 2.2
Compatible with shareware 0.91 and 0.92 now.
QuakeMe is backward compatible with QTest release !
Improved the UI a lot !