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Showing 1-4 of 4 files by TeamFortress Software.
File  DownloadsDateCategoryFile Size
tf28inst.exe [more info] - TF 2.8 Full Installer  780310/04/2002 Essentials 5.2MB
An easy to use executable installer. Get this if you don't have TF 2.6 or greater, or you're not sure what version of TF you have. [more info] - TF 2.8 Full Zip  1235410/04/2002 Essentials 4MB
The full install of TF 2.8 in a zip. Get this if you prefer to unzip and install the files yourself if you're not running Windows. [more info] - TF 2.8 Upgrade Zip  178610/04/2002 Essentials 1.4MB
Get this file if you already have TF 2.6 or higher (2.6, 2.666, and 2.7) to upgrade to TF 2.8. [more info] - QuakeWorld-only TF 2.9 server upgrade  207610/04/2002 Essentials 611KB
QuakeWorld TF 2.9 upgrade (for servers only)