Team Fortress File Factory
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Showing 1-2 of 2 files by Ryan Haney.
File  DownloadsDateCategoryFile Size [more info] - TFiguration v1.4 (core program)  277110/04/2002 Utilities 1.7MB
If you're confused about Team Fortress bindings, this may help. Once you have installed the program, just run it and click on load. Then load in your normal quake .cfg file and you will see it appear in the little text box on the bottom of the program. You can then select all the commands and keys to bind to them in all the little pull-down boxes. I recommend backing up your existing CFGs. [more info] - TFiguration v2.1 (patch for version 1.4)  169910/04/2002 Utilities 63KB
This is the patch for TFiguration v1.4. Just unzip into your existing folder for this program. You need v1.4 for this upgrade.