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TF > Maps > Individual Maps
File: Mayan Capture
Author: Tony Cabe
Downloads: 773
Description: Mayan Capture
Size: 367KB
Date: 10/04/2002

Click to Download
Additional Info:
**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.5 quakeC mod ****
======================= Map Information ========================

Title : Mayan Capture
Filename : mayan1.bsp
Author : Tony Cabe
Email Address : [email protected]
Description : TeamFortress v2.5 Quake Map

======================= Play Information =======================

Single Player : Yes (to look around)
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : No
TeamFortress : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None

========================= Construction =========================

Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Registered
Known Bugs : None
Build Computer : Pentium 200 w/48 megs of RAM
Build Time : See below

============================ Thanks ============================

Thanks to : TF creators, and many other TF people

========================== Game Stuff ==========================
1.) This is a Capture the Flag scenario.
2.) There are several secrets through-out the level.

========================== Misc Stuff ==========================
If you like this level mail the server operators and let them know.

========================= How-To Stuff =========================
Copy the file, mayan1.bsp, into your quake\id1\maps or quake\tf\maps

========================== Build Stuff =========================

outputfile: mayan1.bsp
--- LoadMapFile ---
1118 brushes
263 entities
23 miptex
116 texinfo
building hulls sequentially...
--- Brush_LoadEntity ---
1044 brushes read
---- CSGFaces ----
6770 brushfaces
31774 csgfaces
4863 mergedfaces
--- SolidBSP ---
8272 split nodes
3794 solid leafs
4479 empty leafs
0 water leafs
15814 leaffaces
14808 nodefaces
----- portalize ----
--- FillOutside ---
5466 outleafs
--- SolidBSP ---
2890 split nodes
1674 solid leafs
1217 empty leafs
0 water leafs
9293 leaffaces
7968 nodefaces
4454 outleafs
4886 outleafs
--- MergeAll ---
3937 mergefaces
writing mayan1.prt
MODEL: *10
MODEL: *11
MODEL: *12
MODEL: *13
MODEL: *14
MODEL: *15
MODEL: *16
MODEL: *17
MODEL: *18
MODEL: *19
MODEL: *20
MODEL: *21
MODEL: *22
MODEL: *23
MODEL: *24
MODEL: *25
MODEL: *26
MODEL: *27
MODEL: *28
MODEL: *29
MODEL: *30
MODEL: *31
MODEL: *32
MODEL: *33
MODEL: *34
MODEL: *35
MODEL: *36
--- FinishBSPFile ---
WriteBSPFile: mayan1.bsp
added 7 texture frames
2236 planes 44720
8531 vertexes 102372
2187 nodes 52488
116 texinfo 4640
6083 faces 121660
5848 clipnodes 46784
1166 leafs 32648
8102 marksurfaces 16204
29649 surfedges 59298
15424 edges 61696
30 textures 349484
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 23529
----- LightFaces ----
extra sampling enabled
263 entities read
lightdatasize: 297138
0 switchable light styles
815.0 seconds elapsed
---- vis ----
914 portalleafs
2316 numportals
average leafs visible: 79
c_chains: 1556404
visdatasize:25282 compressed from 105110
410.0 seconds elapsed